Friday, 29 October 2010

I'm off to Hallowhedon!

Not too much of a post today, I'm afraid, for you see I am off to Hallowhedon at The Thistle Heathrow. So, right now I'm busy packing for that as I have to leave later today and packing is not something I do with enough time to spare. Should get back on Monday and be able to post something about it then (if not, then I'll have something up on Wednesday).

Have a great Halloween everyone, and I'll view the stats of your visits later.

Monday, 25 October 2010

Normal Service Will Resume Shortly

Sorry about this, but I'm enjoying my stay in New Vegas a tad too much at the moment

Friday, 22 October 2010

Oh, Hi! Or: 'Why I don't have a post for today'

What can I say, Fallout: New Vegas comes out today (it has Felicia Day in it, fanboy squeal!) so I'm rather distracted (on a similar note I wouldn't hold your breath for Monday either). BTW, does this technically count as a post?

Wednesday, 20 October 2010

Have some weird: The 'Zardoz' Trailer

You know, looking at that I wonder how people could have ever thought that Zardoz was going to be a weird movie, what possible reason could they have had for thinking it might be strange? /sarcasm

Saturday, 16 October 2010

In Memoriam: Benoit Mandelbrot

Normally I wouldn't post on a Saturday, because it doesn't follow the schedule I laid out, but the world lost a great man today. Rest in peace Benoit Mandelbrot, you will be missed.

Benoit Mandelbrot, Father of Fractal Geometry
20/11/1924 - 14/10/2010

Wednesday, 13 October 2010

"I'm Batman!" - Dammit Robin you suck!

What the hell Robin, your family were acrobats! Why are you falling into a trap that would make the Coyote from roadrunner cartoons shake his head?
Over 9000 hours in MS Paint!

Wednesday, 6 October 2010

This is what the Star Wars Prequel Trilogy should have been

Just six glorious hours of Tesla coils playing various pieces of music from the original trilogy (with an occasional cut away to Jar Jar Binks being tortured ala Hostel). You could even have had it as a 'Battle of the bands' style series with the Emperor's Sith Lightning Musical Tesla coils vs. well... this:

Lucas seriously, you've got your whole '3D Unobtanium Plated Ultra special re-release' thing that you're planning, don't squander this opportunity, stop raping the franchise and give us the prequels we should have been given long ago, oh and more Itchy, because seriously the guy is a fucking legend:

Monday, 4 October 2010

Update Scheduling

A very brief update, because as of today, I'm back at university. This means I won't be able to update with the ridiculous frequency of the second half of September (an event which I will admit has left me with few posts left in my idea bank). Instead, the plan is to go for a Monday, Wednesday, Friday schedule on posting, because this gives me the most freedom in planning and publishing.