
For those of you who want to contact me about something on here, leaving a comment on the post in question is probably the simplest strategy. It pretty much doesn't matter what it is that you want to say, it'll get put up there (provided it doesn't contravene blogger's terms of service), I'm not one of those people who sifts their comments and only posts the ones portraying them as perfect. But do note, if  you do post something inflammatory then in all likelihood I will make a rebuttal, and I'll try to make it scathing (accurate, but still scathing).

If that doesn't help you, and you want to contact me privately (and I have no idea why you would) my email address is here. Please do be advised, however, that I have the severed heads of the last five spammers who tried to contact me this way

Finally, for those of you who want to pry further into my life (you sad little individual that you are) there is always my Twitter feed which gets updated with a much greater frequency than this does.