Thursday 1 April 2010

Coffee Bag v0.1

They laughed at me when I suggested it! Laughed! LAUGHED! AHH HA HA HA HA!! AHH HA HA HA HA!! (This may have had something to do with being in clown college at the time), but now, now I'll show them, I'll show them all!

Fuelled by nothing but my genius, and the desire for a convenient way to create a single serving of good coffee. I Christopher Dykes have created:

The Coffee Bag!

you see, it's like a tea bag, but instead of tea, it contains...

mwwahahahaha! mwwahahahaha! YES!! I'm terribly sorry, I'm getting a bit carried away here, it's the Mad Scientist in me, that thunderstorm we had last week brought about an evil genius relapse, where was I? Oh yes! the coffee bag.

Testing began at 11:18 01/04/2010, and initial results did not indicate any coffee like fluid being generated:

After approximately 40 seconds, a spoon was used to agitate the water and increase the interaction between the coffee and the water:

This, most probably combined with the increased thermal potential of the water, led to the degeneration of the sealant on the bag:

By 11:20 the loss of bag integrity, resulted in the combination of coffee grinds and water in an unregulated environment, producing a beverage unsuitable for human consumption:

Results:  Inconclusive.

  1. A larger amount of coffee is required in the bag, to produce the correct effect,
  2. A better sealant, which is not as affected by increased thermal activity will need to be discovered.
  3. Maybe they were right to laugh at me?

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