Wednesday, 31 March 2010

Holy Shit Christopher Walken can sing!

Christopher Walken is awesome, we all can agree on that one. But there are a few things that the man has done that quite honestly not too many people have seen.  Sure everyone knows about the man's acting talent, but did you know that he can sing? Well this clip proves it spectacularly:

Wasn't that awesome? Of course it was, its Christopher Walken! The clip comes from the film Romance and Cigarettes, which I haven't seen yet (I didn't even know about it until I found out about Christopher Walken singing), so I don't know if I can recommend the rest of it, although I have just seen that Steve Buscemi is also in it, so that's a double dose of awesome right there.

Monday, 29 March 2010

Take this, you never know when it might come in handy

There are some things that every time traveller should know: how to find the toilets on the TARDIS, how to say "please don't eat me" in Morlock, were to buy a Mr-Fusion (tm). All of those things are important for the aspiring chrononaut, but lets examine another possibility, supposing you find yourself back in time, why the sheer level of knowledge that you as a modern man from a technologically advanced society possess could make you a God! or at the vary least a massive fortune.

The only problem is: how does some of that technology work? In particular, what are the basic building blocks of that tech? I mean it's all well and good to show Queen Elizabeth I the "light bulb" you just invented, but how exactly were you planning on powering it? Yeah, suddenly that Godhood and massive fortune are slowly sliding towards poverty and poor hygiene.

Well fear not gentle reader, this handy guide, found on google after about 30 seconds of work shall leap to your rescue, providing you with all of the information you'll need to bring about a technological wonderland in ages past. Containing such useful information as:
  • A pendulum that swings for one second has an arc of approximately 1 meter
  • Aluminium was once more valuable than gold
  • Milk is pasteurised by heating it to 99.999% of it's boiling point
  • Insulin can be extracted from the pancreas of dogs and pigs
  • You are remembering to take credit for these discoveries aren't you?

(click the image to expand)

Sunday, 28 March 2010

"I'm Batman!" - Somedays you just can't get rid of a bomb!

Lately I seem to be just posting amusing youtube videos, and I'm going to continue that solemn tradition here by offering some 1960's "Adam West" Batman for you:

If you didn't laugh over that, you're officially dead inside, or Christian Bale. Although other people say that the nuns are the funniest part of this clip, for me it's the ducks.

Thursday, 25 March 2010

This takes me back

Man, I nostalgia-d (I have no idea what the past tense of nostalgia is, come on people work with me here) hard when I saw this, I haven't written anything in qBasic in years:

I'm gonna have to dig out some of my old code again (and find a copy of qBasic again), only thing is I can't remember if I commented anything.

Friday, 19 March 2010

Scratch one bad guy

Deputy VC Paul Layzell
The Deputy Vice Chancellor is leaving the building! clicky here.
One down, six to go!

Friday, 12 March 2010

Quite probably the most awesome thing I have ever seen

It's Christopher Lee doing Metal! This is definitely on my 'List of Things that Must be Bought Almost Immediately '

Thursday, 4 March 2010

A blatant and disturbing overreaction

Wow, its been ages since I last updated, things have been ludicrously busy for me, as of my last update I was supporting the protests against the cuts at Sussex University.  Well, not much has changed there, Michael Farthing and his cronies are still bloated plutocrats, we're still protesting and we'll keep doing so.

Over the past 48 hours, very interesting events occurred, on March 2nd, students at Westminster Uni occupied the offices of their Vice Chancellor, and brought the proposed cuts there to a halt.  24 hours later, a protest was held at Sussex, while the UCU voted on strike action against the uni.  The full details of the ballot can be found here, but to summarise quickly, there was an overwhelming majority in favour of strike action against the proposed cuts.

Meanwhile, at the protests, the well reasoned and tactful response of the University to the peaceful occupation of Sussex house (details here), can be summed up by the following:

a ridiculous level of police presence, for at a relatively minor protest. In total, present on campus where six riot vans, thirteen police cars, policemen in full riot gear, dogs, CCTV vans, and the gigantic evidence gathering camera of fail.  The mind boggles at what the cost of deploying all of this equipment cost, and how many crimes took place in central Brighton, because the majority of the police were occupied in the needless task of defending a group of people who only want protection because they refuse to be held accountable for their actions.

This, however, was not the end of the heavy handed response,as certain of the officers escalated their response culminating in violence against the protesters.

The BBC has published an article on the protest and occupation, and mentions that the police arrested two students for "allegedly" shoving a security guard.  Yet there is no mention in the article about the blatant police brutality on display above, and there is nothing alleged about the massive overreaction that was displayed by the police throughout the entire incident; from bringing enough equipment to fight a small war, to provoking peaceful protesters with dogs, all the way up to violently assaulting people exercising their right to self assembly, the entire incident is a stain on the reputation of Sussex police.